ma frnd de BATA

Was on a trip to mangalapuram (as known).
I think its better to start from the beginning (means we people in the hostel) fixed the trip 10 minutes before we started.
One guy, one of my best friends, was not interested in coming...actually not interested in wasting money as he doesnt have that much to squez.
So, i said (millionair??), cumon mann, i'll give you the money....(dont think its free off...just giving him so that its safe with him...and he will give me bak ...othrwise...i wont be keepin dat money in my poket for long time...i'll give it to sumone else who wont giv bak..evn if I put my hand in their...)...and...and..and...we reached station one hour one told their 'producers' about this trip...jus made it up...and tryin to make it practical withot any personal lose...
the train reached station at 9.20 (pm)...there was only few people...on the floor of the train!!!...
that compartment was really squezing us lik and one another guy got a birth...
i mean barth or somethng like dat...not supposed for sleepin but for keepin luggages...he and me was like luggages dat sumone left behind...and...and...and...its 6 in da morning...
the story really starts now...
i woke up hearing a news that was realated to one of my friend, whom we cal 'lubz'...
i saw his booty as i opened my eyes...
"hey..wat hapend lubz.."
he didnt answer...all others were luking at him and smiling...
riyas said
"someone took his BATA mann..heh he...600 gone...'swaaami' lubz..."
yeah....his BATA chappal was gone...he kept it under the too kept my converse was so tidy that anyone will think twice bfor steeling it...he heeh...
"he might have exchanged his chappal with yours...look for his na??"
"yeah...i got it...Slippons!!!"
heh he...our bathroom chappal in hostel...its beter to walk with naked foot...
reached the destination...we 13 people walked outside the station...all luking awesome (chekout ma orkut album...ehmm)...but one on naked foot....(hahahahaahha)....we all 12 laughed loudly at him....
he said:
"you all put your footwear in this station....but me....only me put the foot on this staion!! way to start a ..." blah blah blaaaah.....
we laughed again not hearing what he was saying......
hah hahahah hahhaaaaha  haah hahahhaa....

1 comment:

  1. Nice!! Bata is one of my best friend too. I have purchased a pair of Bata chappal for men with the best offer from - the best online shopping store. And I got it with the best experience. Bata!!


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